Friday, October 31, 2014


Stella Rose

Margaret Mae

Angus McConnell

Thank you sweet Molly for doing these for us last year.  Our mom is to lazy today to put up recent pictures.

Mom actually had her own little trick or treat last night.   Hers was driving to pick up a grandgirl for dance out on the highway....following a little truck with big pieces of wood in know where this is a going....a large piece bounced out of the truck and rolled under our little blue streak....bang pop bang......a large hole in the drivers tire, and a bent rim.....luckily mom was close to her daughters house and her son in law put a donut on the car, but everytime mom hits her brake it now pulls to the left really bad.  The streak is now at the collision shop and mom is waiting on a rental car.  What a Halloween trick that was!!

Macey finally got her appt. for next Wednesday.  They needed to block out enough time to do four scans at 65 min. each and to have a team of nurses on hand for the sedation.  Thankfully they were able to do it more quicker than originally thought. 

Happy Halloween one and all
Stella Rose

Thursday, October 30, 2014


Yesterday Macey and her family went back up to the University, it was a very long day, and they didn't get home until after 8 last night.  Her momma called us though and said her renal scan of her kidneys was just fine.  After that they did some blood work this time with a big needle but Macey was very brave.  Momma even called Macey while she was still at the hospital and Macey even told her all about the needle. She did tell momma that it hurt.  That was hard for our momma to hear.

With each good news in Macey's case comes not so good news because there has to be a reason her foot is big and her leg is swollen up.  So yesterday new doctors took over her case.  They are bone doctors and lymph gland doctors.  So before they let her go home last night they told her parents she would need to come back either today or tomorrow (we are waiting on them to call with the appt. time) and they were going to give her something to sleep and she would have a special scan that would take about an hour. (This trip is 4 hours each time) They are looking for bad tissues, like tumors......we are sad.  We don't know what to think anymore, and everyone life is a big rollercoaster.

What we do know is we want our Macey to be well, and we want to find out what is going on with her.  Tomorrow it will be 6 weeks.  We can tell the Dr.'s are taking things much more serious now and not like before.  We just wish they would have started back on week one.  We could sure use your prayers.

Stella Rose and Momma


I finks there are evil zombies living next door to us.  Do you finks there are good zombies, like there are good vampires????  Like Edward.  

The others night I was outside to go pee before bedtime and I faught I heard this noise across the yard.  I looked over and around the bushes and I swear I sawed this big shadow looking at me.

Well, being the brave boy that I am, I furst barked at him that he had better not come in MY yard....or else.....and I faught I heard this whisper..."or else what...." 

Well hes had me there cos I was trying to figure out what my or else was gonna be...."OR else Isa come over this fence and ......well.....cough cough....well lets just say you had better not come in my yard!"  I knew there was NO turning back.

Then I heard him make a comment about Maggie's Bumble Bee costume I was a wearing in my picture yesterday, and I finks I heard hims laugh.

I told him I was a great turkey hunter and Momma let me keep my water pistol so he had better run away while he still could.

Well he just kept coming closer and closer and my little heart was a racing ......and the shadow gots bigger and bigger and then I saw THIS!!!!!!!

The Zombie Cat!!!

Angus McConnell

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Today I went to see Ms. Paige the Frankenvet.  Hers likes me a lot.  I can tell this because when I walked in the door she started to go out the back door, to pick me flowers or something like that.  Mom had also asked her to cut my nails, after hers checks out my eye problem.  See where the white should be wif my eyes, and how red they are???  Well, guess what after my appt. they are glowing green!!!!  I could not wait to get home and show Mags and Gussie.

Anyways Ms. Paige put these little strips of paper in my eyes, she checked for ulcers, she just checked them overs and overs.  She ended up giving me some new med's with prednisone and infection med's in them...I also haf to stay on my eye drops and optimums stuff, wow that is a lot.  She checked my eyes wif this special light to see if my sight had improved and she toles momma it was gone.  This made my mom really sad.  But I toles her it has probably been all gone for a long time, and I just handle it really well.  Mom said when I first cames to live wif them I could see a tiny bit and that was all. 

Then Ms. Paige and her helper cut my nails.  I was pretty good behaved for our house.  Mom was very proud of me.  We picked up our food, and got Gussie some special food cos his tummy is kinda upset these past days.  Anyway I just wanted to tells you I was back and besides the usual, and the glowing green eyes, I is just fine.   Mom says there are worst things in the world.

Stella Rose


she went on the road campaign wif me, she sat with Liberty my others girlfriend, and Serri my talking girl friend.  Now the difference between Puddles and Liberty is that PUDDLES and SERRI is my Girl---Friend, where Liberty is my that we haf that straightened out....ANYWAY her is coming back to blogville, and I imagine wesa will haf lots to catchup on....I imagine I will wear my

Manley scarf and not this.....

(Fanks Ms. Ellen for the bee outfit its lovely....cough cough.....cough....MOM I finks this is the girls and not mine!!!  My mom is such a

P. S. Today my sister Stellie Rose goes to the frankenvet about her terrible eye problem.  Instead of the whites of hers eyes, it is the reds of her eyes, we just want to make sure it is not hurting her cos hers is beautiful to me no matter what.   I loves my big sister (I faught that might get me some extra Halloween candy....)

Angus McConnell Long

Monday, October 27, 2014

Playing in The prison Yard--SUNDAY

Today it was a beautiful day outside so mom let us out to play in Alcatraz.  We ran all around in the sun and Mom took so pictures.

Mom would not get paid for the quality of her pictures.
Are you done torturing us yet Mom?

If I stand on this stupid table can I have a treat?

Maggie thinking of better places to be and other things to wear.

Guarding Alcatraz.

Mom's black and white version of me, Stella Rose.

See my beautiful neck wrinkle??


Have a great Monday. 

Update on macey: On Wednesday she is back to the UNI for a kidney renal scan and a Doppler of her arteries.....maybe they will figure it all out then.  We can hope.

P.S. Fanks Mrs. Ellen for our fantastic prison outfits.

Stella Rose, Margaret Mae and Angus McConnell


Friday, October 24, 2014


Isa so glad it is Friday and our momma will MAYBE be home wif us this weekend, or MAYBe not cos she might haf to work.  It is raining sorta so maybe hers will just snuggle up wif us, cos we are going through the snuggleshakes from missing her so much.

I faught I would makes her laugh this morning by posting some of my old pictures of me cos hers loves me much.  Of course hers loves the girls BUT after all I is Angus McConnell Long.  I evens knows my last name, MaCEY!  When Macey was at the hospital the others day the Nurse asked for her last name.  Macey looked at her momma and quietly said, "Elizabeth jean" your last name is Elam that is your middle later while they were waiting 500 hours mom asked her more information like what the last name of her brothers and sister were...guess what she said, "Elizabeth jean....:" I toles my momma I need to go overs to her house and work with that girl on that stuff!!!!!  I fink hers really knows she was just fooling everyones.

Remember my Santy Claus I will be sending in my application soon for part time lead reindeer......

Update:  Macey went back to the Dr. yesterday and I finks hers Dad got a little LOUD and showed how frustrated wesa all are .....they took a urine test, I guess that means her had to pee on the pee pad like Isa do, and found blood in it.  SO.....they are going to do a renal scan BACK up to the big hospital next Wednesday...I finks before hers is done she is going to have all kinds of pictures on her Wall of Fame of her body organs.....ew............dumb doctors.

Angus McConnell LONG

Thursday, October 23, 2014


Update on Macey.
Yep this is how we are all feeling this morning.

We arrived at the UNI early yesterday and they did a EKG.  It was a little wonky looking so they did an echocardiogram.  It was fine, except a little thick on one side...nothing to worry about.  Her cardio dr. must have been around 10 so he and Macey had a lot of things in common and to talk about.  geeze....anyway he also noticed some more swelling in her right leg...not much but some, her left leg though and foot still big.  Not caused from her heart which is GREAT still no answers which is NOT. 

So back to the regular dr. today for more blood work and urine tests, we expect next time she will be going back up to the UNI to see the Kidney Dr. 

We are thankful our prayers were answered concerning her heart, we are worried that we still don't know what is going on.

I got back home around 7:30 last night only to get a call from work, that I needed to come in for a few hours before going on home.  Last minute stuff before the big election.

Needless to say, this morning I am tired.  I hope everyone has a great Thursday.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


My Mom is always saying she is getting OLD.  I tell her OLD is better.....she does not always believe me.  WE live in a very OLD house.  It is so old it is on the historical register.  Mom says what that really means is the floors are uneven and the walls are cracked.  WE love our old house though.

This is an OLD picture before the new green roof was done this summer.

OLD is the NEW.    OLD sometimes costs a lot of money at the stores. 

Mom's old blanket cabinet.  Only one door will open.  Sometimes being OLD has its quirks.
This is our old dry sink.  See the BIG BIG gum ball machine beside it.  Well that is OUR dad's and that is a whole nother "war of the roses" story for another day.  So far dad is winning.

Sometimes being older has its riding instead of walking.  Mom says in my case she wishes she could stop the clock.........I told her that's okay, historical registers are kinda cool.....I wonder if they have one for pugs?

Stella Rose


Monday, October 20, 2014


I toles my momma we MUST blog today to say hello to our friends and let them know we are trying hard to get back to blogville, we miss all of you very much.  On Saturday we received pictures and a card with a handwritten note from the pug ranch kids momma.  Our momma got tears in her eyes, cos it made her heart remember JUST why we miss you all so much.  Thank you Linda.

Mom snapped this first things this morning, she says, "get in your beds, momma has to go to work.." and away we fly.  Of course Dad is home, so we can escape as soon as his feet hit the floor.

Wednesday momma is making the trip to the University to finally take little macey and her momma to the ped cardio guy.  It has been a long wait, five weeks this Friday.  Macey's little foot and calf are still swollen very very big....she has to wear flip flops all the time, and even those are tight on her foot.  She has had a ultrasound done to just make sure there was no blood clots, blood work and today an xray to make sure there is no hidden fracture.  (Mom wonders WHY they did not do that on day one!!)  We will let you know as soon as we are back on Thursday HOPEFULLY with answers.

Mom has taken up sewing....she says its more constructive than drinking (whatever that means) so we are gonna show you a few of her projects.....we try to stay out of her way cos she makes lots of mistakes, and we also sometimes step on the foot pedal so that is basically a disaster waiting to happen.

Here is a skirt she started for the 6 year old but it is to small cos Mom apparently cannot measure so it will be given to little piper instead.  Mom saw these funky little skirts on zulily and thought maybe she could recreate

Then she made curtains for the family room...we practically live in there, and mom likes a lot of light, dad not so much.....but he keeps quiet about it....

Here is a little owl mom made on a skirt for the 6 year old. She had to make the skirt over cos she measured Macey's waist but forgot girls have hips....To SMALL.....she had to start over.  She thought a straight brown skirt would look cute with her cowboy boots....hope it fits when she tries it on!

THEN mom was snooping around on pinterest and saw this site called Junker Jane's....and she laughed and laughed at these crazy little dolls she makes....they are not for everyone, and when mom showed the grandgirls pictures of them they said EWWWWWWWWW......Mom thought they said HOW PRETTY and decided to try her hand at her own creations...Monster Me's.......

This is Dixie.   She worked on her yesterday.  Dixie is the name of her sister.  She said has to add her funky little arms and legs yet and stuff her AND make a small doll to go with her.  Mom has to stain the material also.  See her memory with her sister (15 months apart) is that mom had this bride doll and she could only play with her when Dixie was asleep, well one day she left the doll out and Dixie ripped out her earrings, and ripped off her head.  That was the end of the bride doll.  So mom is going to make a little monster bride doll to go in Dixie's hand, and then give it to her sister for Christmas.  Her sister will love it!! (maybe)

So Mom is going to try to make them for each of her girls, and granddaughters for Christmas, with a memory.  Big

Thank you for being so patient with us not blogging.  We do think of each of you everyday, and we will be back soon.  The election is over in a few weeks, and things will quiet down at work, for the next two weeks mom will be hand-addressing over 3000 letters, ....I wonder if she will even be able to come home and sleep?????

Hugs....Stella Rose, Margaret Mae and of course Angus Mac

Friday, October 10, 2014


Me-at 6 months of age.
We haven't posted very much this week.  We didn't want any of our friends to think we have jumped ship and swam to warmer shores. We just wanted to tell you that for the month of October and first week of November we will only be posting when we can.
Me-at 2 years old.  Dietzman photobombed me.
UPDATE on MACEY:   Her appt. with the ped. cardio guy is scheduled for the 22nd of this month.  For her family it CANNOT come soon enough!!  Her foot and leg are still monster size but it does not seem to be stopping her MUCH.....sometimes she does get pretty tired and crabby.  The local dr. decided to do blood work on her Kidneys and one of the levels was very low...instead of 7.0 it was 3.5....we haven't heard back about that...???.....they have also decided they are going to Doppler her leg to make sure there is not a blood clot they have missed....we wish they would have done that on day one!!!  If mom had her way Macey would already been at the appt. but Mom can't make the Dr. moves as fast as she can our dAD.....please keep her in your thoughts.
Macey is taking the first train out of here and headed for warmer weather with our MOM!

Gussie is still under the weather somewhat that cough cough virus did a number on him and now he seems to developed a tummy virus..  Mom is giving him chicken and rice soup to settle his tummy down. He has been sick at his tummy off and on these past few days.  In the mornings he just wants to lay around, but by evening he is playing around more.  If he doesn't snap out of it soon, back to the GOOD vet he will go.

Angel Sammer and Me.

Gussie will be seeing the good vet next month about surgery on his right eye.  We all know he came to our house with wonky eyes even thought mom thought he was soooooo beautiful.

Now that he is 1 1/2 years old he is having more trouble with his right eye.  The right side of his face is often wet, and with wrinkles that can cos problems.  The frankenvet said that his eyelashes constantly touch his eye, and irritate it. There is a surgery with a fancy name where they tack down some of the wrinkle and that makes the eyelash leave the eyeball alone.  So next month off to the good vet we go to hear what he has to say about it.  It will be a challenge for me and mags to leave his stitches alone, cos everyday we lick each others eyes...its a weird habit that we have. 

Gussie's costume he won from Frankie and Ernie last year.

This is NOT Maggie's best pose.

Then there is MOM.  The election for the County Attorney will be happening on NOvember 4th.  If her boss wins then all is well in her world, her job will still be her job.  If he loses, she will be out on skidrow looking for a new job.  It is a worry at her age cos hers is old.   She is starting to have some sleepless nights over it.  Tomorrow is the big parade here in our county and she HAS to ride up front in a little old convertible and throw out candy....remember what cold air does to her muscles, she will look like a crabby patty when she gets out of the car.  Keep us in your thoughts and prayers....hopefully come November we will be back to our "normal" and all will be well with the world.

Your Friends....Stella Rose, Margaret Mae and Angus McConnell

Thursday, October 9, 2014


Back in June my Mom's friend became a grandma, but her little boy Peyton went to heaven shortly after his birth to live with the angels and his big sister.  Many of you after hearing her story sent her a card just letting her know you cared.  Yesterday, Mom got this letter in the mail.  We are sharing it with you now.

Dear Friends from Deb's (Stella Rose) Blog,
 Just wanted to send you our sincere thanks for your caring thoughts and prayers during this very sad time in our lives.  It was so kind of all of you to send the wonderful cards.  We received cards from the West Coast to the East Coast and everywhere in between and from as far away as Canada and England. 
Update on our daughter:  She is still going to PT 2x a week in Iowa City which is about a 2 hours away but is beginning to show improvement in her walking and speech.  We are still waiting to hear more about her eyesight.  She is very sad about the loss of Peyton but dealing day by day.  Deb and I go back a long way (1st grade) and she has helped me thru some tuff times.  They say you never know when you're going to make a friend....but you always know when you've found a great one!  Deb is one of those and I am so glad you have gotten to know her (and the pugs) thru her blog.  I showed her my treasure of cards and she was proud of all of you for responding to our need.
Just think how many friendships began when a little pug named Stella found her way into Deb's heart.  We tend to be Yorkie folks but I have a very special grandpug who is blind.  While I have no grandchildren living here on Earth (yet) I do have 8 granddogs ranging from a Yorkie to a Mastiff.
Our hearts are broken....Our arms are empty..but our memories and your thoughtfulness comfort us.  Thank you so much.
Peyton's Family

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


This is an old picture of our dad on Halloween.  Needless to say the little humans coming up the steps did not like him one bit!!!  This is our Dad's favorite Holiday, .........
stella rose

Friday, October 3, 2014


Today is World Smile Day. Join Sugar's Blog Hop.  We are hoping ours mom is smart enough to figure out how to join it, if not, least its Friday and Mom is smiling and so are we.  Mom would be smiling bigger if it was 4:30 on Friday and not 8 in the morning.  Humans are funny like that.


Scary Smile....and Me.

That is a pug smile.....bhahahahah

Baby Maggie Smile.

Riding with my sisters in the stroller smiles....

Its Friday smile!!!!

My pissy smile......

Happy Smile Day Friends


Stella Rose, Margaret Mae and of course Angus McConnell