So here we are last night going to see the vet AGAIN, I mean I toles my mom over and over, we likes our new vet but do we have to go so many times!!!!!
So mom and vet Nancy was all worried about me so mom took me overs when hers got home from work, I kept telling hers I was fine, but you know how MOMS are!!!!
So friends this is the scoop...............Mom has noticed some different things happening to my body since the big move, and maybe even before Mom is not sure. First of all and I am a little embarrassed to tells you all but if I don't mean Maggie will do a whole post about it and make it a big ole when I bark I poop, when Mom picks me up I poop, I don't evens know I do it, it just happens, Mom talked to the vet about it when I had my stone surgery and he said it was most likely a neuro thing and of course there is no meds. Mom said we would just deal wif it, and we do.
Then my tongue started to get in the way of everyfing, sometimes I fink it is going to choke me, and I am not sure what to do wif it, ..........we are just dealing wif it too. Another funnier fing I do is bark at dad, alot, sometimes I forget who he is and then I
And sometimes my back leg forgets how to work, and I have to walk around dragging it awhile and then it remembers. Yesterday while mom was working I had a longer episode wif my leg and Dad called mom, so when she got home we WENT TO THE VET!!!
Oh friends, my mom was all upset on the ways over, and I had to have a long talk wif her. I toles her over and over I was gonna do just fine, and I also reminded her no matter what wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy down the line, I was always gonna be wif her anyway. Here is what I know and I am sharing it wif you friends.
When a human loses a loved one their heart just cracks and breaks and hurts, but somefing you humans don't realize is that those cracks and breaks is where we go to live, deep inside your heart forever and ever, healing the crack, and loving you just as much. I fink when I reminded my mom of this, hers had her fingers in her ears singing so her didn't have to listen to me.
The xrays were fine, and my blood work was good , so no disc or spine problems. Vet Nancy agreed wif vet Dave, that it is more than likely a neuro problem, it could have been stress of the move in combination wif my blindness, my surgery, etc. etc.....stress does funny fings to us dogs to. She said the best thing for me is to rest, and she gave me some special medicine that helps wif any pain I might haf. Mom and her also agreed staying at the vet would not be a good fing for me, cos I cry real tears when mom leaves me all overs my fur, so Mom got to take me home!!
I am still eating well and drinking, and when I can I still run around and play, and I snuggle my momma. Those are important good things for me.
So I am doing just fine, and I am home right where I need to be.
Love you much
Stella Rose