Monday, August 5, 2013

Curly, Mo and Larry

Remember the three stooges, well that is who momma, gus and mag's reminded us of on Sunday.  Mom, decided Maggie and Gussie were being way to rambunctious and they needed to get rid of some she made plans to take them out to the fairgrounds for some much needed exercise.  First, tho she walked me all around the yard, so i could ran around my beloved "crab apple" tree and eat any little apple that had fallen to the ground.  I LOVE CRAB APPLES.  Then I ran up to the big apple tree that is so loaded this year, that the branches are laying on the ground, but mom said they are not ready yet to eat.  This is  the second year in all the years they have lived here that there have been apples.  Then Mom decided I needed to go back into the house, cos I was getting hot but I dug my heals into the ground, locked my knees up and refused to budge.  Mom had to carry me into the house..bahahhaha.....

Then she got Gus and Mags ready for their walk.  She decided to use the coupler that she had purchased from the jungle of the amazon, after she saw Zim and Cammie using one to walk together.  Oh my pug what a site, Mom is trying to get them out the door, they are all wrapped around her legs, and each other, finally she got them to the car, and then when she opened the door for them to magically jump in, gussie jumped in, maggie did not, which pulled gussie back out of the car and thus they ended up wrapped all around momma again.  Dad said we could have won the $10,000 prize for Funniest Home Videos for sure.

Finally, they made it to the fairground, and after a couple of false starts they started walking down the path.  First, Gussie pulled Maggie to the side, then Maggie pulled Gussie to the side, then they wrapped around Mom's feet and so forth.  Mom said she kept on chanting in her head, BE CALM, BE CALM, ENJOY THIS TIME TOGETHER....and before you know it, they were walking beside each other and they all were enjoying the quiet time of the walk.

Mom realized while she was watching them, that Gussie actually is taller than Maggie, when did that happen!!??   Gussie also was never nervous and actually enjoyed every minute.  Mags was a little more anxious but she still had a good time.  Mom and her pugs walked about 20 minutes then because it was warm out decided she had better get them home.

Once home, they both got drinks and ran around about 5 minutes, and after that they feel asleep three whole hours, and then went straight to bed for the night!  Mom plans on taking Maggie back out tonight if it is not to hot BUT Gussie will be resting up cos today he has his little boy surgery at the new vet.  Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers today.  We will let you know later today that everything went just fine.
Stella Rose
P.S. Gussie was pretty mortified this morning when he pranced into the vet's office wearing Mag's pink harness.  His blue one Mom ordered him through Mr. Chewy hasn't been delivered yet.


  1. Oh poor Gussie. You had to wear PINK to get your little boy surgery? Oh dear. Hope no one else saw you! :)

    Tell Mom to recreate that scene on your walkie so we can all have a good laugh...ok!

    Butt don't tell anyone that Mom went through the same thing once with me and brudder Max (DaOdderWeenie). She never used that leash again!

  2. Pink..BOL Hope they don't think youz a girl.. We would love to see Mom tied up in the leads..Thinking of you :) xx0xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  3. Oh no, it's The Day for Gussie! I'm glad you all were able to get outside and enjoy the air over the weekend! I'll be waiting for news of Gus.

  4. Poor Angus! Having to go in for surgery is bad enough, but wearing PINK for it?! Don't worry, little dude, if you're secure in your manhood, you can wear pink.

  5. LOL what a picture of Gus and Mags. Ha ha we tried one of those and it promptly went to the charity shop. Paws crossed big time for Gus. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. BOL! Mom could probably use a coupler on me with Boston or MAYBE Auggie, but not other combination!

  7. Snuggles and Sassy walk on a double coupler and Snuggles wants to leave a lot of pee mail, but Sassy wants to lay down. I know just what you went through. Praying that Gussie does well with his surgery. Glad you all enjoyed your walk. Of course, the pugs can't keep up with Dixie.

    Janice, Snuggles, Sassy and Dixie

  8. Aw! Gus we will be thinking about you - but will be forgetting about the pink, promise!

  9. Hey GUS.... buddy you are Joining the CLUB... today. WE feel your pain butt it will be WORTH IT...IN THE END.. BaaaaWaaah we gotta LAUGH about order to keep from CRYING, right? You are now the MAN of the CLAN.
    Hope all goes well... and that you won't have to wear the CONE OF SHAME fur 87 years.
    WOW do we ever WISH there had been VIDEO of the Coupler Walk !! THAT would have been hysterical.. seeing your mom TRY to work stuffs out.

  10. We wish we had a video!! Me and Stanley have one of those coupler thingies. Mom found that it works best when the strap thingies are really short so we're stuck side-by-side. Of course when one of us stops to poop it can cause a "situation". We see there is another post for Gus's surgery so we will go read that. We do feel bad for him that he had to wear a pink halter to have his procedure. Maybe if your mom threatened your dad with a similar thing he would fix that fence?? BOL!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  11. I use to walk my little dogs with a coupler . . . . it gets easier! Lee ad Phod who are thinking about Gussie today!

  12. Couplers are a great invention ... we use them all the time. Mama is pretty good at walking all of us - with the help of those things. Of course, they don't work with the Princess (Zoe)! The others drag her so she gets a leash of her own!

    Pug Hugs...Ellen & The Fab Five
    Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney

  13. We are going to get a triple coupler (a triplerer?) for Christmas.. or we hope so.. we are gonna ask Santa Paws for one. Amazon has one for $6.95 (Free shipping with Amazon Prime) and it is 24 inches long so we don't trip each other.

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,
