Monday, September 17, 2012

Surrounded by HOGS and I don't mean BACON

This weekend was the annual "State Line End of the Year Motorcycle Rally" here in Southeast Iowa.  Each year trillions of motorcycle people converge on the fair grounds and camp out and party Hardy for the long weekend.  Since we live only a mile from from the fairgrounds most of the million-trillion harleys rode by our house.  Dad has his own Harley so Sammer thinks all Harley's is our Dad coming home, so he barks alot to let Mom know its Dad.  By Sunday mom was pretty sick of him a barking.  This year Dad shopped for us at the motorcylce rally.  We will be posting the pictures tomorrow.  The Rally brings lots of money into the villages so the hogs are a welcome site for the businesses.  They always have a big parade to show off the Hogs, and throw out candy.  We waited patiently at the corner cos we thought they would be throwing bacon our way.  We were mistaken.  There were no races this year cos of Hurricane Issac (??) so they decided to use the highway by our house as a racetrack.  There was no winners announced just a few tickets handled out.  I think Mom should dress up our stroller a little more harleyish so next year we could enter a couple of contests out there.  Of course clothes are optional.
STella Rose


  1. Oh man, that would be so cool. Harley Dogs! Hope you have a good monday!

  2. Can't wait for some pics. Sounds fun!

  3. We don't have anything like that here. Looking forward to the photos. Damn shame about the bacon. Have a lovely Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. That sounds great. I like motorcycles. You know I'll be back for the photos.

  5. We just posted about Hogs. My Lily screams at those things
    Benny & Lily

  6. Stella
    You really had a much wilder weekend than I did. Mellow does not begin to describe the atmosphere at Casa Noodles. Aside from the huffin' and puffin' of cleaning like crazy and the rumble of the washing machine monster.
    Love Noodles

  7. Better you than me with those hogs-hate them here and my doggies don't like them either-yes-lots of barking.
