Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Mr. Chewy Review-Dietzman A. Long

I am doing this review for my mom since....... for once she ordered something for me instead of those stinky pugs.  As you all know, I am Dietzman A. Long, I am not sure what the A stands for and even if I did I would not share it with any of you.  Angus says it stands for a bad HBO word that he cannot say, but I just ignore him. 

My job here at this facility is prison warden.  I daily patrol the prison yard while the inmates, Stella Rose, Margaret Mae and Angus McConnell are outside for their daily exercise.  I make sure they do not dig any holes for an easy escape and that they get along while running the perimeter of the fence.

Speaking of  the elephant in the room --THE fence, I am sure you have all heard the hub-bub over this new fence project.  Our father says it looks like a farmers pigs fence, and I explained to him, he is not far off because it is a farmers pug fence.  Him and I agree that it should just be a haven for prison guards to lounge around in, while the inmates stay within the porch.

I have been a wardon here at simpson-long for many years.  My first job was with Zeus, their little minpin.  He and I had a amiable arrangement.  He gave me treats, and I let him run the yard. 

I do not have the same relationship with these pugs.  They do not share and I do not like them.  It is that simple.

Back to my post.  I tend to ramble on sometimes .....So Mother talked to Mr. Andrew and ordered me these because I am 17 years of age.

That's right folks...Senior Vitamins Plus Glucosamine.  Do I like them, did I eat them, and does Mother give them to me each day.  You bet your sweet patootie!!!   I am very very particular about what I eat, so Mother was thrilled when I actually ate my first vitamin ever.

NaturVet Senior Vitamins PLUS Glucosamine are fortified with essential daily vitamins and minerals to help maintain overall health. Contains Glucosamine for added joint support.  AND made in the good old USA.

They are soft and chewy and I love them.  Mother must continue ordering them.

There are fifty in the bag, at $4.99 and Mother gives me two a day.  I am counting them on a regular basis to make sure the pugs do not distribute them to other cats I have found prowling around Alcatraz.

No one paid me off to say these things either.  Take my word for it.

Dietzman A. Long


  1. Dietzman glad you liked them as they are good for you. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. That's a high recommendation, Dietzman! My sissy Cinderella takes glucosamine for her achy bones too. (And so does Momma, for her achy knees!) Maybe my kitty siblings would like it too.

  3. We would listen to all orders by the look of that serious angry face, BOL. Enjoy those treats
    Lily & Edward

  4. It is good to meet yu Mr. Dietzman Sir.
    Keep on keepin those pugs in line.

  5. Hey D, that's some scowl on your face this morning! Glad to hear that you got your very own Chewy box. Maybe those super vitamin's will put a smile on your face now ~ NOT!

    Hey, your grass inside Alcatraz looks just like ours does! Spotty, spotty polka dotty.

    Even tho you portray to be a mean, ol'e prison warden, we still love you.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  6. ROFLMAO for the second day in a row... I meant to ask you where Dietzman had been!!! Does he ALWAYS scowl????

  7. OK, now do NOT get mad but could it be that the "A" MIGHT stand for Angry? Just sayin' it might be a pawsibility. But you are kinda old so maybe it could stand for Ancient? OK, don't get mad, just tryin' to help you out . . . Glad your treat is working for you. Maybe it could stand for Agile?

    Your pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  8. Dietzman OMCs you are most handsome. Gus...has surely done you an injustice...I guess maybe you have to be a cat (which I am) to understand how seriously you take your job of Warden and on top of that you were in the family F I R S T thus you are boss of all
    Madi(son) D. (no clue what that stands for either ) Cat
    your bfff

  9. Warden look like a mean SOB (Son of a Bengal tiger) and I surely do not think I would like to be trapped in your prison. I am glad the headmaster there has decided to give you these new and delicious treats. I wonder if they will make you a bit of a softie know, cut the pugs a bit of a break.

  10. Wow, 17! You must be very wise. Those tablets are very good for you. Glad you are taking them

  11. Dietzmann that was a great review. I'm always happy to see you and I bet the A stands for awesome :o) I would like to hear more about the vitamines, how they work when you take them for a while.

  12. Mr. Dietzman, Sir... we gotta admit that you sort of Scare the Poops outta us. And we Agree with what Oz said about how you look...

    BUTT you did a VERY MUCH Fine job of reviewing these TREATS that are GOOD fur you.
    Don't Cha just LOVE how Chewy and his team take such good care of us by giving us a chance to TRY thingys and then let our furends know about them????? THAT is PURRRRRfect... so we don't WASTE our green papers or melt our Fleasa Cards on stuffs that isn't GOOD.. We KNOW we can trust our FURENDS to tell us the TRUTH about stuffs. Just sayin... SIR.

  13. Seventeen? WOW! We usually chase cats, or try to, but we think we'd leave you alone. You look tough.

  14. First of all we have to say the Fenced Area look Great! All prisoners need some exercise room. And Dietzman you do have a mean scowl there buddy! Maybe those treats will cheer you up a little!
    Mr Bailey Hazel & Greta

  15. Glad ya liked your glucosamine stuffs, I take some too.

  16. Those are some scary eyes, Mr. Dietzman-warden-sir...I don't think I'd want to cross you. Ever. Glad to hear you like those treats so much, maybe you can relax the mean eyes if they are so good? Maybe? No? Ok....

  17. Hi Dietzman!
    I loved hearing from you. You definently should post more often. My purrs would love to hear what you have to say about living with pugs...just like they do!
    Much Love,
    Mama Mindy of The Slimmer Pugs & Purrs
    (I know, odd that I comment, but I have a few days off before my busy student teaching year!!)

  18. Well I think your face is beautiful! It has character!! And its unique- just like you!

  19. Believe it or not, I know nothing about feline treats, so Dietzman A. Longour, there's no doubt that you are a force to be reckoned with, and our cat, the lovely Ms. Yellow will be glad I read this--I'll have to look for them for her! :-)

    PS: THANK YOU for your kind comments on my blog, I'm enjoying getting to know you!!

  20. I forgot to say that I hope you get paid VERY WELL for all the patrolling you do -- and trying to keep peace with everyone,,, so in this case,, I think you got rewarded very well- with these treats,, but I still do not think you look scary- you look cute

  21. Crikey .... you're 17??? Have you been an old crank all your life or just since you got aches and pains? You'd sure scare the living daylight out of me!! Hope that glucosamine stuff works and puts you in a better mood.

  22. Wow, Dietzman, that was a great review! Are you sure it's your first? Never mind, we'll take your word for it. Wouldn't want to get on your bad side. It was nice to meet you. We think you and our Cotton would have gotten along well. (We posted one of her I Dare You look photos the other day.)

  23. Glad you finally got something good too. Enjoy your treats!

  24. Mmmmm...those look so tasty, so you better keep them away from the pugs! I am sure they will make you lightning fast to keep your charges in line. Tell your family I know for a fact it was not me they could have seen because that wheatie was well-behaved. I am a kissy girl, but I don't listen to commands at all!

  25. You are the boss Mr. Dietzman A. Long and those puggers better listen to you if they know what's good for them!

    I give my babies vitamins, too ... I sure hope I have them for 17+ years!

    Love, Ellen
