I have many complaints of the man but since I am a kind and endearing pug will not even begin to go into them, well ....maybe just a few............first he is very stubborn about all his dr. rules, and mom and him have been arguments about what he can and cannot do...........I am taking notes to use as future reference if I am every to write a book about living in this family.
Mom has not won many fights which is unusual because usually she is the witty and smart one of the two but imposter dad has had much chances at resting and thinking up new strategies too cos mom even more alarm, while mom is working aways making money at the office.
A few days ago he decided he COULD drive the car down to the gas station. I faught we were going to have to call the ambulance to carry our mom away, I don't believe hers breathed until imposter dad walked back into the house, or as I am being kind, half crawled and walked back into the house. Of course the next day he was in great pain, and mom just had a malicious look in her eye. It is not hard to understand why. He promised mom he would never try that again, mom believes he is untruful.
Yesterday the hospital called to say they seen a new break from his xrays last week, so they are ordering more medicine to go along with the 125 bottles that mom has to sort for him each day. I do believe on the day he wanted to drive mom told him in very HBO words he could find some other dumbass to sort his pills for him. He did not comply.
Mom did not even get our new Halloween pictures taken this week, and barely got around to answering our friends blogs.............she is being strong, but it is hard. We three pugs are trying our best to be good and when dad sits and watches tv we usually all sit with him, which is most of the time, if he is not sleeping, then we sleep, mom is worried we also will turn into mini imposter dads which will make us mini assholes. I toles her not to worry, I am already half way there.
Well, my dearest and sweetest I must go and check around the house. Mom has left for work, and I am sure she said I was in charge today, I fink hers told our dad that I was smarter then hims. Which is true.
I hope you have a wonderful day, we are all just happy it is Friday. We have made it through one week wif the imposter dad at home.
I hope you don't care but I is sharing my letter to you on our blog today, ...............mom said I haf to.
Maggie Maes