Cotton had a long hour at the vet, so she ended up going back to work with me. What a good girl she has been. They took her blood and ran some tests. One thing they found is that she has a very high temp for a was 104.5. So the first thing they did was to give her a shot to help bring down her temp and to send us home with antibiotic's twice a day.
From what blood work they have gotten back they know it has nothing to do with ingesting something poison so that is good. The vet said if it is something viral we should see a difference in her behavior by tomorrow or the weekend for sure. The temp should go down and she should begin to eat etc.
There are a couple of things though that kittens can have and there is no medicine that will cure it. If she does not get better, she will be tested on Monday for that. We will just cross that bridge if we have too. We are praying it is a viral bug and she will be her normal rotten self very soon.
Thank you for all your good thoughts and prayers. Cotton and her family.
p.s. Dad has to go back to the wacko doc tomorrow so mom won't be on here much until Monday. If something changes though we will let you know.
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Last Week Pic
I called this morning and got a vet appt. at 3 this afternoon. I sure wish they could have seen her quicker. She is basically the same. I tried to get her to eat a little chicken last night but she wouldn't touch it, she drank about a tsp of water, later in the evening Butch got her to eat a little bit of wet in about tsp. She slept on our bed last night, she meowed around for awhile and then settled down and slept all night. This morning she used the litter, would not eat or drink, and went back to sleep in a basket she likes to sleep in. She is not acting like herself at all. No running, jumping, no playing, just sleeping for hours at a time. Since she is not eating she has gotten very thin and she was not a kitten that had any weight she could afford to lose. We just cannot figure out what is going on.
I sure hope they call me and can work her in faster today, .........please keep her in your prayers.
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Our regular vet is out for the day, but we talked to the other vet. He said as long as she is eating and drinking and using the litter then we could wait and see how she was feeling tomorrow. I checked on her on my lunch break....she was still resting in her little cat house, but Butch said she had eaten some chicken. If she is the same I am taking her for sure tomorrow to our vet. Deb
Last night Butch and I noticed Cotton was limping on her right leg. He said he saw her doing that earlier in the day, but then she went to Stella's crate and slept all afternoon. Well, she was still asleep when I got home from work, and slept into the evening. This is all pretty unusual for her because she is up and bouncing around the house all day, and outside playing, back and forth with her kitten friends.
When we went to bed, we tried to get her to eat some food but she did not. I got up to check her a few times last night, and she was sleep but fine. This morning she wanted to go out on the porch, so I let her, but noticed a slight limp still. Butch offered her some tuna and she would only eat a tiny bit of it, and went back to sleep in a basket on the porch.
Please send us some prayers for little cotton. I am going to call the Vet and talk to her this morning, and see what she wants us to do. I imagine I will be taking her over today for an appointment. I will let you know what we found out.
When we went to bed, we tried to get her to eat some food but she did not. I got up to check her a few times last night, and she was sleep but fine. This morning she wanted to go out on the porch, so I let her, but noticed a slight limp still. Butch offered her some tuna and she would only eat a tiny bit of it, and went back to sleep in a basket on the porch.
Please send us some prayers for little cotton. I am going to call the Vet and talk to her this morning, and see what she wants us to do. I imagine I will be taking her over today for an appointment. I will let you know what we found out.
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
CRABBY (our parents)
Dad had his appt. on Friday for his arm checkup. Apparently when the doc promised 100% better he neglected to tell them that occasionally and for some unknown reason like 1 out of 200 the surgeries don't work and instead of 100% better, you are 100% worse. No driving still. Weight limit 4 lbs. No more PT.... Nuffin more can be done, but come back in 6 weeks just in case some miracle happens and the doc can witness it. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GREATTTTTTTTTT.
THEN Dad and Mom got to meet the new pain management doctor. Mom had visions of medication in her head for dad to help with anxiety, depression, and not sleeping. GUESS WHAT was prescribed.........chocolate and sex. Mom actually was imagining shoving a big ass chocolate candy bar down the pretend doc throat but it did not happen. Apparently the doc wasn't like a REAL doc and she could NOT write out prescriptions so instead she gave DAD a cd to listen to of songs she made for him to help him relax, and some breathing exercise to practice, to breath through the pain. NOW our mom knows these things can help a person, but not a person like our DAD. He needs drugs THEN once he calms down, and the pain lessons, he will learn to breath and be nice again. Not a good day on Friday.
Then Sat. it is 111 degrees outside. We slept.
Trapped in the house with piper and the kittens, and dad being all anxious cos Gussie plays rough with Henri and Dad has made himself their new guardian. So Mom is calming Dad down, Gussie down, and who ever the hell walks into the door.
But Dad I am just watching them.
Sunday the grandboy came down and helped mom put together their new bed. Mom shut the door to keep dad out cos she wanted a day of quiet, and peace to work on the bed, but dad somehow found his way into the room and decided to pick up the big empty boxes to take outside, guess what happened???? He lifted them up to high and hit the ceiling fan and it made this terrible noise of a dinosaur and it broke. Dead. Dead. Dead. Yep Mom was imagining the fan and Dad in the river, just below our house, floating far far way...........down the river, emptying into the Mississippi River that goes all the way to the coast. We think Dad would enjoy living on the coast with the seagulls and the sand don't you. We think it will help his anxiety a lot.
Today Dad called mom and said a new kitten showed up on the back step. Dad already knows the drill so he went over to the vet, got all the flea treatments, gave it all to the new kitten and put him back out on the porch until he is flea free. Mom told him on the phone the next time a kitten shows up at our house Dad is to walk his happyass hiney back over to Kevins house, knock on the door and hand the little sweet kitten back to his irresponsible owner. Dad said he would NEXT TIME.
Your gonna send us where???????????????? Can you get that flashy beast out of our faces??????????
stella rose
THEN Dad and Mom got to meet the new pain management doctor. Mom had visions of medication in her head for dad to help with anxiety, depression, and not sleeping. GUESS WHAT was prescribed.........chocolate and sex. Mom actually was imagining shoving a big ass chocolate candy bar down the pretend doc throat but it did not happen. Apparently the doc wasn't like a REAL doc and she could NOT write out prescriptions so instead she gave DAD a cd to listen to of songs she made for him to help him relax, and some breathing exercise to practice, to breath through the pain. NOW our mom knows these things can help a person, but not a person like our DAD. He needs drugs THEN once he calms down, and the pain lessons, he will learn to breath and be nice again. Not a good day on Friday.
Then Sat. it is 111 degrees outside. We slept.
Trapped in the house with piper and the kittens, and dad being all anxious cos Gussie plays rough with Henri and Dad has made himself their new guardian. So Mom is calming Dad down, Gussie down, and who ever the hell walks into the door.
But Dad I am just watching them.
Sunday the grandboy came down and helped mom put together their new bed. Mom shut the door to keep dad out cos she wanted a day of quiet, and peace to work on the bed, but dad somehow found his way into the room and decided to pick up the big empty boxes to take outside, guess what happened???? He lifted them up to high and hit the ceiling fan and it made this terrible noise of a dinosaur and it broke. Dead. Dead. Dead. Yep Mom was imagining the fan and Dad in the river, just below our house, floating far far way...........down the river, emptying into the Mississippi River that goes all the way to the coast. We think Dad would enjoy living on the coast with the seagulls and the sand don't you. We think it will help his anxiety a lot.
Today Dad called mom and said a new kitten showed up on the back step. Dad already knows the drill so he went over to the vet, got all the flea treatments, gave it all to the new kitten and put him back out on the porch until he is flea free. Mom told him on the phone the next time a kitten shows up at our house Dad is to walk his happy
Your gonna send us where???????????????? Can you get that flashy beast out of our faces??????????
stella rose
So when Cottons Kong Treat arrived from Mr. Chewy we had a surprise in that box also.
Now we live real close to the Des Moines River, and also our little village is surrounded by several lakes so catfish is pretty abundant around here, and sometimes we even get to try a piece after Dad fries it up but NEVER and we mean NEVER have we got to try Alligator. WE were super excited and so was mom.
Here are some things she liked about it.
Exotic bayou blend of alligator, catfish and shrimp
NO grain or gluten
Lots of proteins
Lots of vitamins and minerals
No artificial preservatives, colors or flavors
No corn, wheat, soy or chicken/poultry by-product meals
Mom mixed it everyday into our regular dry kibble and we always ate it all up.
Can you tell I am ready?
Maggies bowl with some blueberries in it also.
Yummy for my tummy!!!
I am waitingggggggggggggg..........................
Gussie's bowl, waiting to be stirred all up.
Stop taking pictures Mom while I am gobbling my food down. I might choke.
My bowl, could you add a little more blueberries mom??
You cats had better stay away from me while I am eating..........I am known to have a temper when food is involved.
We give this product 5 stars. We love it and we still have over half the box left cos mom is super stingy with us. The price for a box of 12 is $36.94 but if your mom is as stingy as our mom is it will last over a month. We love it Mr. Chewy.
WE are paid nuffin for this review.
Stella Rose, Maggie Mae and Angus Mac
Do you see it has Alligator & Catfish in it.
Here are some things she liked about it.
Mom mixed it everyday into our regular dry kibble and we always ate it all up.
Can you tell I am ready?
Maggies bowl with some blueberries in it also.
Yummy for my tummy!!!
I am waitingggggggggggggg..........................
Gussie's bowl, waiting to be stirred all up.
Stop taking pictures Mom while I am gobbling my food down. I might choke.
My bowl, could you add a little more blueberries mom??
You cats had better stay away from me while I am eating..........I am known to have a temper when food is involved.
We give this product 5 stars. We love it and we still have over half the box left cos mom is super stingy with us. The price for a box of 12 is $36.94 but if your mom is as stingy as our mom is it will last over a month. We love it Mr. Chewy.
WE are paid nuffin for this review.
Stella Rose, Maggie Mae and Angus Mac
Thursday, July 21, 2016
YES, we know it is a HBO word but there are some circumstances that warrant saying DAMN every now and then. Some.
"Why do I feel like we live in the weirdo house on the block??"
SO yesterday Mom was getting ready to go to work, and she stepped outside and there on the back steps were these two.
She almost squished them from not paying attention to where she was stepping! At first she thought they were the wild 4 kittens that lives in the church garden shed but then she realized they were much smaller and very tame.
WELL its stinkin hot out outside, and no momma cat is around so what does our MOM do.........yes, she took them in the house to DAD.
And went to work.
Dad called her and said the little black/white one had a bad sore on his neck so mom called the vet and in the afternoon took Henri (well you can't call him the black and white kitten all day long) to the vet. It turns out he and his he/she (we don't know so we just call her/him chubby) fleas all over them, ALL OVER THEM. Mom freaks out, like losing her crap freaking out cos she hates fleas, the vet treats Henri and Chubs for fleas, and worms and looks at Henri's neck. He had a big hole created by a horrible type of larvae that kittens can get. Mom cannot say the name it is so long. But thankfully it had left Henri's body and not lodged in his spine or brain as it usually does. Yes, we know this is grossing everyone out.
SO Mom brings him back home, and in two days they can have a bath. The fleas are finally gone this morning but Mom is going back to the vet to get us all a special pill just in case one or two escaped.........ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
We know these kittens are part of the kittens that live at KEVIN'S house and somehow they just wondered over to ours, .........we do believe there is a invisible sign blinking 24 hours a day that says stop here, this MOM and DAD will take care of you.
Cotton thinks they are trouble...........and she mostly punished them all day by slapping the poop out of them and rolling them around on the floor. You know her normal self.
Are you nuts Mom??
Mom why are those kittens PLAYING in my kitty litter??
Mom I think that gray one is a fat chipmunk and not a kitten, GET OUT OF MY KITTY LITTER!!!
I fink mom is going to call me Eleanor if I am a girl.
Its okay sis we are safe now.
Of course Gussie is patrolling the baby gate all night long, trying to figure out how one became three. I just go with the flow and sleep on my cooling mat cos it is going to be 104 out today, and Mags just don't care. Mom says we will need to find good homes for Henri and Eleanor and then she is building a Donald Trump wall all around her house, know she won't do that.
Stella Rose
"Why do I feel like we live in the weirdo house on the block??"
SO yesterday Mom was getting ready to go to work, and she stepped outside and there on the back steps were these two.
She almost squished them from not paying attention to where she was stepping! At first she thought they were the wild 4 kittens that lives in the church garden shed but then she realized they were much smaller and very tame.
WELL its stinkin hot out outside, and no momma cat is around so what does our MOM do.........yes, she took them in the house to DAD.
And went to work.
Dad called her and said the little black/white one had a bad sore on his neck so mom called the vet and in the afternoon took Henri (well you can't call him the black and white kitten all day long) to the vet. It turns out he and his he/she (we don't know so we just call her/him chubby) fleas all over them, ALL OVER THEM. Mom freaks out, like losing her crap freaking out cos she hates fleas, the vet treats Henri and Chubs for fleas, and worms and looks at Henri's neck. He had a big hole created by a horrible type of larvae that kittens can get. Mom cannot say the name it is so long. But thankfully it had left Henri's body and not lodged in his spine or brain as it usually does. Yes, we know this is grossing everyone out.
SO Mom brings him back home, and in two days they can have a bath. The fleas are finally gone this morning but Mom is going back to the vet to get us all a special pill just in case one or two escaped.........ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
We know these kittens are part of the kittens that live at KEVIN'S house and somehow they just wondered over to ours, .........we do believe there is a invisible sign blinking 24 hours a day that says stop here, this MOM and DAD will take care of you.
Cotton thinks they are trouble...........and she mostly punished them all day by slapping the poop out of them and rolling them around on the floor. You know her normal self.
Are you nuts Mom??
Mom why are those kittens PLAYING in my kitty litter??
Mom I think that gray one is a fat chipmunk and not a kitten, GET OUT OF MY KITTY LITTER!!!
I fink mom is going to call me Eleanor if I am a girl.
Its okay sis we are safe now.
Of course Gussie is patrolling the baby gate all night long, trying to figure out how one became three. I just go with the flow and sleep on my cooling mat cos it is going to be 104 out today, and Mags just don't care. Mom says we will need to find good homes for Henri and Eleanor and then she is building a Donald Trump wall all around her house, know she won't do that.
Stella Rose
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Good Morning my friends..........Mom is letting me control the computer and write my own review for Mr. Chewy. She even let me pick out my own item from the July newsletter. I love Mr. Chewy, cos Ms. Sydney is always helping my mom out with answers to her questions.
So this is how it worked. I and Mom picked out an item, and the next thing we knew, the UPS truck was knocking at our door, and this guy peeked in our window with a box for ME. I was hoping they would send a delivery cat but that did not happen.
Maybe I should talk to Ms. Sydney about that idea.
I was so excited though about opening a package from Mr. Chewy just for me, that I ran up the cat tree and back down. Mom was not fast enough though to get the camera so I cannot prove a thing to you.
So we got the box unwrapped and there inside was my present.
A KONG Cat Wobbler just for ME
So we get it out of the box and mom reads all the good things about it provide mental stimulation, Mom do I need any more stimulation?? It also provides exercise and playtime fun. You can even use it to feed me my dinner did you know that MOM?
So mom put some treats and kitten food in it. See the BIG hole on the side. Now the bottom is pretty heavy and I am supposed to bat it all around and the food falls out. Guess what, I batted it twice, a few pieces fell out and I ate them. Puzzle solved.
Now notice that hairy CATNIP little tail on the top. I think I am supposed to think it is a long furry mouse and attack it. I didn't. We read that this is a great toy to slow down rapid eating also. I am a slow eater so that is not a big problem yet for me. Maybe we should put Gussie's food in there, cos he eats like a pig....done in two seconds. Mom also liked the price ....$7.36.
Mom thinks as I get bigger and older I will play with it more. So far it is just sitting on the stair steps waiting on my next batting time. We will give this a 4 star, its very nicely made but I believe it is better for older kittens or cats.
Thanks Mr. Chewy for the new toy!!
We were paid no monies for this review.
Is there food in here mom?
See me making it spin, the food flew out..............
So this is how it worked. I and Mom picked out an item, and the next thing we knew, the UPS truck was knocking at our door, and this guy peeked in our window with a box for ME. I was hoping they would send a delivery cat but that did not happen.
Maybe I should talk to Ms. Sydney about that idea.
I was so excited though about opening a package from Mr. Chewy just for me, that I ran up the cat tree and back down. Mom was not fast enough though to get the camera so I cannot prove a thing to you.
So we got the box unwrapped and there inside was my present.
A KONG Cat Wobbler just for ME

So we get it out of the box and mom reads all the good things about it provide mental stimulation, Mom do I need any more stimulation?? It also provides exercise and playtime fun. You can even use it to feed me my dinner did you know that MOM?
So mom put some treats and kitten food in it. See the BIG hole on the side. Now the bottom is pretty heavy and I am supposed to bat it all around and the food falls out. Guess what, I batted it twice, a few pieces fell out and I ate them. Puzzle solved.
Now notice that hairy CATNIP little tail on the top. I think I am supposed to think it is a long furry mouse and attack it. I didn't. We read that this is a great toy to slow down rapid eating also. I am a slow eater so that is not a big problem yet for me. Maybe we should put Gussie's food in there, cos he eats like a pig....done in two seconds. Mom also liked the price ....$7.36.
Mom thinks as I get bigger and older I will play with it more. So far it is just sitting on the stair steps waiting on my next batting time. We will give this a 4 star, its very nicely made but I believe it is better for older kittens or cats.
Thanks Mr. Chewy for the new toy!!
We were paid no monies for this review.
Is there food in here mom?
See me making it spin, the food flew out..............
I am done playing now.
Friday, July 15, 2016
POTP for France. We hold you close in our prayers for all the families and friends affected by this tragedy.
Yay its almost Saturday, that means that Ms. Piper will be coming over to play wif us, and we will be exhausted when she leaves. She usually has a standing Saturday play date at our house. She likes us but we finks SHE likes cats better, she keeps asking our mom is Cotton is bigger, we think bigger is code word for "when I can take her home" Mom always says, "not yet."
Stella Rose
Yay its almost Saturday, that means that Ms. Piper will be coming over to play wif us, and we will be exhausted when she leaves. She usually has a standing Saturday play date at our house. She likes us but we finks SHE likes cats better, she keeps asking our mom is Cotton is bigger, we think bigger is code word for "when I can take her home" Mom always says, "not yet."
If you look real close you will see the old man in the tree. That is what we call him. Sometimes he comes down from the clouds above and just watches from the tree trunk. We like him....we think. Its always a special day when we spot him.
This is Cotton checking out our toy box. We tried to tell her that she has her own cat toy box, but she does not care.
Why should she? She already has the run of the whole house, upstairs and downstairs, the porch and the outside. Us three pugs have NEVER been upstairs and of course we stay with the walls of Alcatraz. She is only 4 months old. How can this be fair?
The guard tower called and there is suspicious activity going on outside the walls of the prison. Where are you Cotton?
Dads buddy.
Then we have this guy that chatters down from his perch and tells us off everyday. I tell you friends life in Iowa is hard for us 3 little pugs.
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Princess Leah sent our daddy a Fathers Day gift. Isn't it just grand for dad that his other daughter is a princess. Thank you so very much. Dad loves Harleys so he enjoyed looked at the pictures and reading all the its history.
This book is nice.
Did you know mom fell off of Dads Harley and broke a gazillion bones, Dad was showing off his new pipes to a friend on the street. That was the last time mom rode the bike.
Thank you sweet girl.
Stella Rose
This book is nice.
Did you know mom fell off of Dads Harley and broke a gazillion bones, Dad was showing off his new pipes to a friend on the street. That was the last time mom rode the bike.
Thank you sweet girl.
Stella Rose
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
I am practicing to be a Princess just like our own Princess Leah.......did you know her and Mags are twins........I fink right now Maggie is staying at the tower wif her and getting into some mischief....enough about them now, more about ME.
I have heard princesses get pretty dresses, and sweet treats and pupicinino.......what ever that is .....maybe I want kitachino instead?????
Am I crossing my legs in the correct princess way Princess Leah? Does it look like I really care?/
Sitting wif my Dad. Do you fink he see's me hear? Dad's eyesight has gotten really terrible since I have arrived, for instance he can be chasing me around the house, (its good exercise for bof of us) and all of a sudden he can't find me, AND I AM STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM, another example is I am laying around on my cat tree, and EVERYONE ELSE IN THE HOUSE NOSE I AM THERE, but poor Dad is looking under the table for me. Finally, I take pity on him, and jump on his head. I am a good daughter.
I have heard princesses get pretty dresses, and sweet treats and pupicinino.......what ever that is .....maybe I want kitachino instead?????
Am I crossing my legs in the correct princess way Princess Leah? Does it look like I really care?/
Sitting wif my Dad. Do you fink he see's me hear? Dad's eyesight has gotten really terrible since I have arrived, for instance he can be chasing me around the house, (its good exercise for bof of us) and all of a sudden he can't find me, AND I AM STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM, another example is I am laying around on my cat tree, and EVERYONE ELSE IN THE HOUSE NOSE I AM THERE, but poor Dad is looking under the table for me. Finally, I take pity on him, and jump on his head. I am a good daughter.
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Sunday was bath day at our house. Mom had been telling us that for over three weeks, and it never happened so imagine my surprise when I found myself here.............
"Mom I was napping, what are you doing????" We three enjoy our bathes so it usually is not a big deal to us, but for some reason on Sunday we sorta had an attitude about it.
Maggie prefers the shower method instead of the bath method, she also blew mom a raspberry.....
I am not happy about this today.
Then it was Gussie's turn.
I am not going to look at you so you can take a picture.
See what happens mom when you turn your back on me!
Then after all our bathes were done, and we were dried off and shaking water all over our mom, mom realized there was one more bath she needed to do. (when we have early morning bathes it still takes us till the evening to be dry).
Yes the MONSTER, is getting a bath....bahahhaahahhahahahah
Mom figured her arms would get all scratched up and we waited and watched to see just what was going to happen.
First mom had to find her.
Hey Cotton come here Mom has a really nice surprise for you.....teehehehehtteehee......
We have no pictures to prove this but she didn't give mom any problems, Mom got her wet, shampooed her quickly and rinsed and dried her off, all under 5 minutes time. We think Cotton did not even realize what was happening to her.
"Why did Mom give you a treat and not us, you know we notice things like that!"
Later Mom got a bad migraine and it lasted until Tuesday. Karma.
Stella Rose
"Mom I was napping, what are you doing????" We three enjoy our bathes so it usually is not a big deal to us, but for some reason on Sunday we sorta had an attitude about it.
Maggie prefers the shower method instead of the bath method, she also blew mom a raspberry.....
I am not happy about this today.
Then it was Gussie's turn.
I am not going to look at you so you can take a picture.
See what happens mom when you turn your back on me!
Then after all our bathes were done, and we were dried off and shaking water all over our mom, mom realized there was one more bath she needed to do. (when we have early morning bathes it still takes us till the evening to be dry).
Yes the MONSTER, is getting a bath....bahahhaahahhahahahah
Mom figured her arms would get all scratched up and we waited and watched to see just what was going to happen.
First mom had to find her.
Hey Cotton come here Mom has a really nice surprise for you.....teehehehehtteehee......
We have no pictures to prove this but she didn't give mom any problems, Mom got her wet, shampooed her quickly and rinsed and dried her off, all under 5 minutes time. We think Cotton did not even realize what was happening to her.
"Why did Mom give you a treat and not us, you know we notice things like that!"
Later Mom got a bad migraine and it lasted until Tuesday. Karma.
Stella Rose
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