That is what we call grandkids sometimes..........bugs........we don't know why mom does that but we hear her say, " Hi Bug" to Piper when she visits. Maybe because bugs and pugs rhyme and she has so many of each..........???????????????????????? Our moms mind must wonder to different regions of her brain ALOT.
See that little white slip hanging on the shelf. That belongs to their mom. It was hand sewn by our moms friend when she was born 38 years ago. Tomorrow will be her birthday.
This is mom and my need to get out of it bugs.
That kid wants Maggie's ball.........Maggie is being a good girl and sharing.
Can you put her down Dad so I can play wif her????
You can quit guarding her dad that's my job..................(Gus) Maggie photobombed.
I am going to be one in March, are you one also Grandpa??? Is this your mad face???
My night was crazy. Stella Rose
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
WALMART has pugs all over for Valentines Day. I asked Mom if they used me as their example. Mom said, "um..........sure."
Maggie Mae
Maggie Mae
Thursday, January 19, 2017
WELL we read about the upcoming Valentine festivities and of course reminded MOM about our dates, and new dresses and Gussie's Tux, those kinds of fings, and of course letting Ms. Carol know we are coming and THEN Mom had ANOTHER NUTSO moment, and said "what a wonderful idea, the boys can go wif you!!!!!!!!!!" WHAT BOYS???? WELL of course we were planning on asking Stan my love, and Peyton, but I had chills down my spine because I just KNEW those were not the boys she was talking about!!!!
(Gussie in shock when he heard the news)
Family comes first. Mom tries hard to live up to those words and is learning each and everyday that family is not always blood but is usually found in the heart. So ................our family of course is now also made up of CATS. BOY CATS. OH MY PUG she expects us to take the BOYS!!!!
Some of you remember little El and little Henri that were dropped into our yard by the cat stork. Of course they showed up with 1 million dollars worth of things wrong wif them and it took all our treat money to get them well, AND then Dad took them to the Vet to get their girl and boy parts taken care of............ONLY to find out Ellen is not a Ellen but a Alan, but since she/he knew her/him name we still call him/her Ellen. Only at my house.
Little Ellen
Little Henri
Big Ellen
Big Henri. Even though he has a big bowl of water, he loves getting water out of the tub.
And of course we also have a cat named Fuzzy who does not know his name, even though he hears it over 750 times a day. He was one of the original feral kittens who was born two years ago at Kevins, and found his way to our yard, and then onto our porch, and then into our house.
He is bigger than Ellen and Henri but he uses the kitty litter, and minds his house manners well. He loves playing wif the kittens and the pugs. He still can have moments where he acts scared and runs, but mostly he loves all of us. SO I am sure he is also one of the BOYS who will be going to the escapades wif us. COS HE IS FAMILY.
I am sure Sully will be laughing very hard at us, cos we did send him 952 of the feral kittens from last summer, but apparently 6 of them fell out of the wagon and eventually ended up in our yard. KARMA...
They were super scared of MOM and DAD but always came out of hiding when it was dinnertime, and then they would run back into their hidden shelters. Over the summer and fall though they got closer and closer to Alcatraz and we would come out and find them inside our compound running around and playing wif Henri and Ellen and US.
Then one day mom came home from work and they were on the porch, eating and laying around on the swing, they HAVE NEVER LEFT. So now we have 6 outside cats, that look like a cross between a beautiful long haired cat and a rabbit. Mom thinks they look like Disney creations. They let Mom and Dad pet them, and Mom made them a special protective place to go on the porch where the snow and cold wind cannot bother them. I know THEY WILL NEVER LEAVE. They don't know this but they are in line SOON to go to the VET. Mom does wish she could find them all wonderful homes, so keep good thoughts for us about that.
Oh yeah and then there is GRANDPA. That is what MOM calls him. Last summer when the 1000 kittens from KEVINS showed up we also noticed a old gray long haired wilder than hell cat that hid by the big tree in our yard. We would just catch glimpses of him off and on. Sometimes Mom actually though he faded right into the tree bark like he was magical. Mom and Dad both noticed he seemed to be in very poor health, and one side of his legs had a large red spot with no hair. Dad told her he thought someone had shot him with a pellet gun, to keep him away from their house. WHAT!!!!!!!
Mom was furious and told DAD if he knew who did that dastardly deed, he had better march his *&* over and tell them to stop or ELSE. It never happened again, but it took Grandpa most of the summer to heal. Then one day we actually saw him eat some food, and in a blink of the eye he was gone. This has went on for several months, but one morning early when mom was going to her other job, and it was still dark outside there was GRANDPA waiting by the gate, meowing for his soft food. Mom feeds him soft cos he is old and she thinks hard food hurts his teefers. So now every morning he meets Mom at the fence and she feeds him, and every night when she gets home from work he is waiting on her. No one has ever got to pet him yet, but mom has gotten close, and he has stopped hissing at Dad. He has grown into a beautiful old cat. Mom and Dad made him a nice warm place to stay in the winter time in the garage, but we really don't know if he does or not. Life is a mystery when it comes to CATS.
ANYWAY just so you know the news..........we are taking the BOYS to the dance...........sigh.
Stella Rose
(Gussie in shock when he heard the news)
Family comes first. Mom tries hard to live up to those words and is learning each and everyday that family is not always blood but is usually found in the heart. So ................our family of course is now also made up of CATS. BOY CATS. OH MY PUG she expects us to take the BOYS!!!!
Some of you remember little El and little Henri that were dropped into our yard by the cat stork. Of course they showed up with 1 million dollars worth of things wrong wif them and it took all our treat money to get them well, AND then Dad took them to the Vet to get their girl and boy parts taken care of............ONLY to find out Ellen is not a Ellen but a Alan, but since she/he knew her/him name we still call him/her Ellen. Only at my house.
Little Ellen
Little Henri
Big Ellen
Big Henri. Even though he has a big bowl of water, he loves getting water out of the tub.
And of course we also have a cat named Fuzzy who does not know his name, even though he hears it over 750 times a day. He was one of the original feral kittens who was born two years ago at Kevins, and found his way to our yard, and then onto our porch, and then into our house.
He is bigger than Ellen and Henri but he uses the kitty litter, and minds his house manners well. He loves playing wif the kittens and the pugs. He still can have moments where he acts scared and runs, but mostly he loves all of us. SO I am sure he is also one of the BOYS who will be going to the escapades wif us. COS HE IS FAMILY.
I am sure Sully will be laughing very hard at us, cos we did send him 952 of the feral kittens from last summer, but apparently 6 of them fell out of the wagon and eventually ended up in our yard. KARMA...
They were super scared of MOM and DAD but always came out of hiding when it was dinnertime, and then they would run back into their hidden shelters. Over the summer and fall though they got closer and closer to Alcatraz and we would come out and find them inside our compound running around and playing wif Henri and Ellen and US.
Then one day mom came home from work and they were on the porch, eating and laying around on the swing, they HAVE NEVER LEFT. So now we have 6 outside cats, that look like a cross between a beautiful long haired cat and a rabbit. Mom thinks they look like Disney creations. They let Mom and Dad pet them, and Mom made them a special protective place to go on the porch where the snow and cold wind cannot bother them. I know THEY WILL NEVER LEAVE. They don't know this but they are in line SOON to go to the VET. Mom does wish she could find them all wonderful homes, so keep good thoughts for us about that.
Oh yeah and then there is GRANDPA. That is what MOM calls him. Last summer when the 1000 kittens from KEVINS showed up we also noticed a old gray long haired wilder than hell cat that hid by the big tree in our yard. We would just catch glimpses of him off and on. Sometimes Mom actually though he faded right into the tree bark like he was magical. Mom and Dad both noticed he seemed to be in very poor health, and one side of his legs had a large red spot with no hair. Dad told her he thought someone had shot him with a pellet gun, to keep him away from their house. WHAT!!!!!!!
Mom was furious and told DAD if he knew who did that dastardly deed, he had better march his *&* over and tell them to stop or ELSE. It never happened again, but it took Grandpa most of the summer to heal. Then one day we actually saw him eat some food, and in a blink of the eye he was gone. This has went on for several months, but one morning early when mom was going to her other job, and it was still dark outside there was GRANDPA waiting by the gate, meowing for his soft food. Mom feeds him soft cos he is old and she thinks hard food hurts his teefers. So now every morning he meets Mom at the fence and she feeds him, and every night when she gets home from work he is waiting on her. No one has ever got to pet him yet, but mom has gotten close, and he has stopped hissing at Dad. He has grown into a beautiful old cat. Mom and Dad made him a nice warm place to stay in the winter time in the garage, but we really don't know if he does or not. Life is a mystery when it comes to CATS.
ANYWAY just so you know the news..........we are taking the BOYS to the dance...........sigh.
Stella Rose
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
ONE of Mom's and my most favorite thing to do each night is to go to bed and read.
She reads, I sleep. Its the deal we made when I was little. Lately though Mom is more needy so not only does she read, she silkies my little ears, rubs my little feet, and run her fingers through my soft fur, ALOT, ............finally she calms down and I am able to sneak down to the end of the bed, so the fan can blow on me, and I can get in my Zen zone, and imagine myself laying on a warm beach, filled with white sand and apples...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Over the weekend Mom bought a book from Kindle called, "Lily and the Octopus". Mostly Mom buys dogs books and mostly they do not have good endings, which makes mom even more clingier to me. So I was really hoping with a title like that, it would be a funny book that would not require a box of Kleenex and empty Dollar Store bag. Or more loving on me.
I was wrong, it had some humor in it, but mostly it was about an Octopus attached to a little doxies head that only her daddy could see, and of course Lily. Mom deposited lots of Kleenex in the Dollar Store Bag, and I spent very little Zen Time at the beach.
THEN mom started to worry about THE STINK, worry a lot. AND she started to imagine this.

So our Frankenvet said I would need my teefers cleaned. Now I brush my teeth but I don't chew on a lot of other things that help keep the tarter off my teef. Maybe its cos I have tiny teef, or maybe I just don't like to chew on stuff like Mags and Gussie do. Anyway the Frankenvet said DON'T WORRY, we have done 100's of procedures like this, and on flat faced pugs. MOM looked at ME and I looked at her, because we both knew that in all the trails we had walked around our little village we had NEVER seen another pug in this town. Not even at the big dog park in the bigger town down the highway.
So mom being the hooverboard mom that she is says to the Frankenvet, "can you give me the puglets mom's name and phone number so I can talk to them about how their pug did with this procedure??' Yes, folks she asked the Frankenvet to break every HIPAA law in the country just to make sure their puglets did great.
Of course the Frankvet ran right over to her rolodex and wrote those numbers off for mom..........NOT!!!!! So we are back to worry about the stink and my getting my toofers cleaned.
Mom did prepare the Frankvet I would be wearing my pj's to the procedure because now Mom is telling herself that pugs clothing is actually our Thundarshirts and we need them for anxiety. I know the vet hates my mom cos our picture is never on their facebook page, and who else comes to their office with three pugs in prison wear.
Thank you for all the comments on my stinky post. I just want to answer one in particular. NO, Carol I do not lick my butt, and that is not why my mouth smells. No pug at our house does that, Maggie and Gussie lick each others ears, and face but not the butt. I am probably to round to even find my butt. NOW, Ellen and Henri are a whole nother thing, not only do they lick their butts, they start with their butts and work their way UP!!!!! More on that later.
Stink you later................Stella Rose
She reads, I sleep. Its the deal we made when I was little. Lately though Mom is more needy so not only does she read, she silkies my little ears, rubs my little feet, and run her fingers through my soft fur, ALOT, ............finally she calms down and I am able to sneak down to the end of the bed, so the fan can blow on me, and I can get in my Zen zone, and imagine myself laying on a warm beach, filled with white sand and apples...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Over the weekend Mom bought a book from Kindle called, "Lily and the Octopus". Mostly Mom buys dogs books and mostly they do not have good endings, which makes mom even more clingier to me. So I was really hoping with a title like that, it would be a funny book that would not require a box of Kleenex and empty Dollar Store bag. Or more loving on me.
I was wrong, it had some humor in it, but mostly it was about an Octopus attached to a little doxies head that only her daddy could see, and of course Lily. Mom deposited lots of Kleenex in the Dollar Store Bag, and I spent very little Zen Time at the beach.
THEN mom started to worry about THE STINK, worry a lot. AND she started to imagine this.

So our Frankenvet said I would need my teefers cleaned. Now I brush my teeth but I don't chew on a lot of other things that help keep the tarter off my teef. Maybe its cos I have tiny teef, or maybe I just don't like to chew on stuff like Mags and Gussie do. Anyway the Frankenvet said DON'T WORRY, we have done 100's of procedures like this, and on flat faced pugs. MOM looked at ME and I looked at her, because we both knew that in all the trails we had walked around our little village we had NEVER seen another pug in this town. Not even at the big dog park in the bigger town down the highway.
So mom being the hooverboard mom that she is says to the Frankenvet, "can you give me the puglets mom's name and phone number so I can talk to them about how their pug did with this procedure??' Yes, folks she asked the Frankenvet to break every HIPAA law in the country just to make sure their puglets did great.
Of course the Frankvet ran right over to her rolodex and wrote those numbers off for mom..........NOT!!!!! So we are back to worry about the stink and my getting my toofers cleaned.
Mom did prepare the Frankvet I would be wearing my pj's to the procedure because now Mom is telling herself that pugs clothing is actually our Thundarshirts and we need them for anxiety. I know the vet hates my mom cos our picture is never on their facebook page, and who else comes to their office with three pugs in prison wear.
Thank you for all the comments on my stinky post. I just want to answer one in particular. NO, Carol I do not lick my butt, and that is not why my mouth smells. No pug at our house does that, Maggie and Gussie lick each others ears, and face but not the butt. I am probably to round to even find my butt. NOW, Ellen and Henri are a whole nother thing, not only do they lick their butts, they start with their butts and work their way UP!!!!! More on that later.
Stink you later................Stella Rose
Monday, January 16, 2017
AT our house being STINKY is a good thing. STINKY is a word that brings out all kinds of worrisome feelings in my MOMS body so the BEST thing that happens is I get to SLEEP with her EVERY NIGHT in the bed just in case I start coughing or something or the STINK grows into a Larger STINK somewhere on my body.
MOM IS A NUTSO MOM here I stink, and mom gives me a bath, the next day, I stink again, so mom frets around and worries, and makes an appt. with Frankenvet, ...................she chews her nails down to the quick, she reads about stinkin pugs, she checks my wrinkles, my skin, my eyes, my ears, the STINK is there but she cannot find a reason for it. She KNOWS she may have to go into battle with the STINK just so she can feel calm again, but the big question is "HOW do you BATTLE a enemy you cannot SEE??" MOM IS A NUTSO MOM.
I imagine someday there will be a movie that comes out about smothering dog moms. My mom and yours will probably have important roles to play. Nutso, smothering moms.
So at the Frankenvet last week, I wear Angus's Harley orange hoodie so I will look tough, ......... I just look cute.
Mom says CUTE will not destroy the STINK but tough will!! Okay MOM I will remember that .......
The vet cuts my nails, no STINK there, the vet takes care of my gland...........WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO a BIG STINK there but not the RIGHT finally after the VET checks every inch of my round little hairy body she decides it must be coming from my MOUTH. WHAT!!!!!! YEP, MAYBE it is my teefers need Feb 1st I am going go to get my teefers cleaned bright and shiny and MAYBE the STINK will leave.
Until then I sleep wif mom every night, cos she is a smother, nutso mom, so stinky is not all so bad for me, is it?
Yep friends, keep track of your times wif your smother, nutty moms, I smell a movie deal for us.
Stella Rose
MOM IS A NUTSO MOM here I stink, and mom gives me a bath, the next day, I stink again, so mom frets around and worries, and makes an appt. with Frankenvet, ...................she chews her nails down to the quick, she reads about stinkin pugs, she checks my wrinkles, my skin, my eyes, my ears, the STINK is there but she cannot find a reason for it. She KNOWS she may have to go into battle with the STINK just so she can feel calm again, but the big question is "HOW do you BATTLE a enemy you cannot SEE??" MOM IS A NUTSO MOM.
I imagine someday there will be a movie that comes out about smothering dog moms. My mom and yours will probably have important roles to play. Nutso, smothering moms.
So at the Frankenvet last week, I wear Angus's Harley orange hoodie so I will look tough, ......... I just look cute.
Mom says CUTE will not destroy the STINK but tough will!! Okay MOM I will remember that .......
The vet cuts my nails, no STINK there, the vet takes care of my gland...........WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO a BIG STINK there but not the RIGHT finally after the VET checks every inch of my round little hairy body she decides it must be coming from my MOUTH. WHAT!!!!!! YEP, MAYBE it is my teefers need Feb 1st I am going go to get my teefers cleaned bright and shiny and MAYBE the STINK will leave.
Until then I sleep wif mom every night, cos she is a smother, nutso mom, so stinky is not all so bad for me, is it?
Yep friends, keep track of your times wif your smother, nutty moms, I smell a movie deal for us.
Stella Rose
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
I put this on my facebook page the other day. It seems all I can manage is an occasional find to put on my page, words that I like or are feeling at the moment. But these words made me think a little bit about perhaps a wrong that I never meant to be wrong. And I wanted to fix it.
A few years ago a blogger left and it was sudden, and she was super loved in this blogging family, but she left, gone......blown away like some leaf in the autumn wind, and I did not understand it, and no matter what words I said, she never returned. Of course I know she left for her own personal life reasons, but I had this hole where she once stood and it was hard for me to walk around it. I never forgot those feelings......of loss. And it also scared me in the sense that blogging had become closer than people I could touch in real life.
Then October 2015 happened and here it is January 2017 and I still am struggling everyday so bad that thinking enough to write words on a computer screen brings tears, and so... I don't write.
Until today.
Well, I have left and I can't really find my way back, and when I read this a few days ago, it hit me that maybe I have left a hole in someone's life here and that was not my intention. an abstract word anyway......I have never really left blogville, every morning, on my way to wherever I am working at that time, I go through the list and wonder how each and everyone of you are doing, and I always keep you close to my heart, and prayers. I also see some on facebook, ........its like peeping in the window just to make sure all is alright.
Grief comes in so many forms. And loss comes in many directions. One of the hardest losses I had last summer was my mom. Many of you know she has been fighting breast cancer, and you all sent gifts, and letters and cards and she loved them very much. BUT Families have so many dynamics though and ours has always been a way that my Mom has trouble letting to many of her kids in her life at one time. As unreal as this sounds, I had my time with Mom and Dad, and in the summer Mom decided it was my other sisters turn, its been a long summer, fall and winter for me, not one word said, or phone call made. I feel like a bag of garbage, that ends up in the quarry, full of really good things that no one wanted. I have three sisters and this has pretty much been our whole lives, one of us gets a turn at a time to have a mom. Mine was for 10 years, I doubt if my sister will be that long.
Grief. So Mom is still here, but she is gone. Grief.
It piles down on you, every loss here in blogville, every family change, catches up with you to the point that you cannot allow yourself to think a word let alone write it in a blog.
I hope this makes sense to someone, and if I left a hole its not because I have left, I am just having trouble finding my way home.
I really am.
A few years ago a blogger left and it was sudden, and she was super loved in this blogging family, but she left, gone......blown away like some leaf in the autumn wind, and I did not understand it, and no matter what words I said, she never returned. Of course I know she left for her own personal life reasons, but I had this hole where she once stood and it was hard for me to walk around it. I never forgot those feelings......of loss. And it also scared me in the sense that blogging had become closer than people I could touch in real life.
Then October 2015 happened and here it is January 2017 and I still am struggling everyday so bad that thinking enough to write words on a computer screen brings tears, and so... I don't write.
Until today.
Well, I have left and I can't really find my way back, and when I read this a few days ago, it hit me that maybe I have left a hole in someone's life here and that was not my intention. an abstract word anyway......I have never really left blogville, every morning, on my way to wherever I am working at that time, I go through the list and wonder how each and everyone of you are doing, and I always keep you close to my heart, and prayers. I also see some on facebook, ........its like peeping in the window just to make sure all is alright.
Grief comes in so many forms. And loss comes in many directions. One of the hardest losses I had last summer was my mom. Many of you know she has been fighting breast cancer, and you all sent gifts, and letters and cards and she loved them very much. BUT Families have so many dynamics though and ours has always been a way that my Mom has trouble letting to many of her kids in her life at one time. As unreal as this sounds, I had my time with Mom and Dad, and in the summer Mom decided it was my other sisters turn, its been a long summer, fall and winter for me, not one word said, or phone call made. I feel like a bag of garbage, that ends up in the quarry, full of really good things that no one wanted. I have three sisters and this has pretty much been our whole lives, one of us gets a turn at a time to have a mom. Mine was for 10 years, I doubt if my sister will be that long.
Grief. So Mom is still here, but she is gone. Grief.
It piles down on you, every loss here in blogville, every family change, catches up with you to the point that you cannot allow yourself to think a word let alone write it in a blog.
I hope this makes sense to someone, and if I left a hole its not because I have left, I am just having trouble finding my way home.
I really am.
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