Friday, February 22, 2013


Thats what Mom said when her feet hit the floor this morning TGIF.  We are glad also cos that means she will be home with us for the next two days!  We got hit by a big snowstorm yesterday and Dad got to come home early so that was super.  Mom didn't.  In fact she was worried she would slide down the hill from work right into the river, she didn't though, her little car clung to the road just fine......

Mom took us outside in the snow to play.  Dad said I waddled around and did my business.  Mag's on the other hand zoomed around 100 times and only stopped once to pee and zoomed some more!  She loves the snow.  We should have taken some pictures cos the next pictures we show you make us look like lazy pugs.  Okay are you ready????

I don't even have words for this picture.  This is Maggie's favorite toy.  She throws it in the air, chases it, slides it under the chair, so Dad has to get up 100 times to get it for her.  Finally after awhile mom and dad hide it cos their tired and so is maggie.  She loves her binkie alot!!

This is me and mom blogging before Maggie woke up.  Its the quietest time of the day.  Now she can jump UP in the chair so I have no safe place to hide from her.  Does anyone out in blogville want her?

And finally this was Maggie the next day after the Ball.  She mostly lazed around the house all day!!

Maybe, mom will get some pictures of us this weekend out in the snow just to prove we do get some exercise...hahhahahhahahah.....
have a great friday!
P.S. Happy Birthday Greta!!
stella rose and maggie


  1. Hey Stella. Can't wait for the snow action shots. I think you might miss Mags if she was gone. But if ya need a break you can send her here for a visit. All though my snow is way higher than her. I might have to build a path/highway system for her.

  2. Stella Rose
    we heard and saw pictures of the big snow....whew...thank goodness all of you are home together warm and snuggly
    Hugs madi your BFFF

  3. Hi Stella and Mags! thanks for remembering my birthday!
    Glad you all got home safe. I thought the snow was pretty cool at first too and I do have fun when Dad is shoveling it but the novelty has worn off, we have had enought of winter!
    Bailey & Hazel too
    PEE S
    Tell Mom to watch for an email some time today.

  4. What a cute favorite toy, you are a really little baby girl for sure

    urban hounds

  5. Oh're just too cute fur words (uh, barks). BOL

  6. Our first pup loved those toys too...especially if the baby spit it out! haha

  7. Howdy Stella,
    I heard that was a BIG scary snow storm you got hit with. Glad the 'rents got home safe and sound. We don't have such extremes here so I cannot even imagine what it is like. Maggie sounds a lot like Molly. I get no rest around her until she has hopped and skipped around for like an HOUR!!!! Now that she knows how to get up and down from the couches, there is just no QUIET time for me. Even my Mommy's lap is invaded UNLESS her 'rents are home. Then I don't even see her except at pee time. Have a good weekend.
    Love Noodles

  8. Oh we loved some pix of you both having snow much fun. We got your cold winds and a dusting of the white stuff but not much. Roll on Spring now. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  9. YEA! We'd love to see snow shots! Did you make snow forts?
    Play bows,

  10. Glad your pawrents made it safely home. And you got to have fun. It must have been fun to see your different reactions to the snow.

  11. Stella Rose... that pic with Margaret and the BINKY is just PRECIOUS...
    SORRY that she can jump in the chair now though. I SO understand THAT awful development.

  12. I loved looking at all these cute photos! Your all so cutes! I cannot wait to see the snow photos too.

  13. You two are both too cute for words! Have fun reeeeelaxing :)

    Meredith & Scarlet

  14. Howdy Stella Rose, glad your mum got home ok with the snow. We always think the snow looks amazing but when you live with it day to day it's probably not so much fun at times.

    Sorry your sissy gets up on the chair now, sigh, siblings can be a pain can't they, especially when they won't do what you want. Rory says send Maggie to us, but sorry Stella Rose, I can't boss around a brother and a sister, I'd be exhausted in no time hehe. See ya mate. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  15. You got the same snow we got... and Abby is worn out, too but she tried her hardest to keep up with me so she could take care of the chickens.

  16. Stella, we think you know exactly what to do in this cold...Mags is crazy! ;-)

  17. Oh get some photo's in the snow :) Love your Dummy Maggie :) xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

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