Monday, January 6, 2014


Today - Partly Sunny
Hi -6° | Low -11°
Wind Chill Warning still in effect. Partly sunny skies on Monday. The coldest air of the season so far with temperatures only reaching -6 degrees as a high. Wind Chills from -30 to -35 degrees. Bundle up and stay warm.

This is what our local news station said to do. (Bundles up and stay warm) To bad they also didn't say, and STAY HOME FROM WORK.  All the schools, and colleges are closed around us.  Thank goodness those kids didn't have to go out in this weather.  Thank goodness the bosses got to stay home and the minion moms had to go to work.  Yep, that makes Mondays even betters.

We live right below Ottumwa, on the state line ...and it is really -13 below out with the wind chill of -36.  Thank pugness Dad didn't have to drive to work todays either.  He works in Fairfield.  See it on the map. That way he can stay home wif us, and we can all enjoy our warm home, and wait for our Mom to get home.
Stella Rose


  1. OMD OMD OMD. And I'm complaining about our 13 degrees here! At least it's positive. Brrr!!! Momma refused to take us on a walk this morning because it was too cold, so that meant extra time snuggling in bed!

  2. Brrrrr this Polar Vortex is making marry mischief across the pond. Glad dad could stay at home. Stay warm and safe now. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. We are not as cold as that...we have 10 degrees but the Mom is still whining like crazy...we just want to go outside and play in it

  4. Oh unfair, the boss stays home while the moms goes in?! Not cool, mr boss man. Hope the moms has safe driving! Stay warm!

  5. OMD we are SO glad that your dad was able to stay HOME with you... and SORRY that your MOM had to Leave your WARMTH. It is going to go down to -7 by evening Here... and by MORNING it will only be -13 Real temp... Columbus City Schools just announced that they will be Closed AGAIN tomorrow!!!
    We are like you three... we do NOT like being in this VORTEX.
    Cuddle up... and think SPRING....

  6. Oh Puggies it is cold outside. And headed our way.
    We expect 11 tonight with a high of 22 tomorrow.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  7. We understand the hate for the cold. We hope you are safe and warm and that your mom has a safe trip home. Lee and Phod

  8. I hear ya Stella! Unbelievable weather!!!


  9. Stay in and stay warm! we are not as cold it was 3 degrees this morning.
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  10. Sounds like it's time for a family cuddle to keep warm! We can't even imagine that cold. A COLD WINTER night for us is about -3°C or in the 20s and that only happens once every few years!

    Snuggle up, we don't want to see any pugcicles!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  11. Holy Freezy Dog Paws! Stay in and stay warm, pals!

  12. Snuggle up with dad and stay warm my furry little friends.

    Aroo to you,

  13. And I saw your house on the tv too, and it was wayyyy too cold!
    Your momma and daddy should both be able to stay home and the bosses go to work!!!!
    I hope you have lots of blankys on your beds,, and some hats on your heads,, and keep those footies warm!
    We think of all of you-- in that artic tundra!

  14. I thin mother nature is crazy, it's like spring but with tons of rain in my area. Please stay safe and warm

  15. You better come here and play with us!!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  16. Oh my gosh cuddle up and stay warm. Thanks for telling us about Tweedles blog we are going to make a denotion

    retro rover
