Tuesday, January 7, 2014


WE are sooo excited when we found out there is going to be a auction to help out our friend Tweedles.  Gussie is doing handstands cos first he asked his Santy Claus if he would make hers better and now all our friends in Blogville are planning an EVENT to help hers out.  Little Tweedles first had a bad bout of pneumonia and then right afters that had to have surgery on hers lung!  That Twee is our hero cos hers is so strong and of course her mommy's deserve an award all by themselves just for making sure hers followed the doctors rules and regulations.  Now here is what is going on:

Introducing a new auction blog in support of our PETZ in NEED, those with health and medical bills that need extra help.
Under the management of Ms Marg, of Marg's Animals, the blog premieres this week and will feature TWEEDLES as the first auction recipient, her auction running from January 8 to January 18.
We hope you'll bookmark the page, become a follower, tell your friends, share the news on your Facebook and Twitter pages ... this blog will be devoted exclusively to the needs of our beloved pets.  Cats, dogs ... furry creatures great and small.
Attached to this email are a number of badges and images.  Both permanent sidebar badges for PETZ in NEED; and badges specific to Tweedles auction.  You are welcome to use - and share - any of these images (without credit), we only ask that you include LINKS to the new blog please!
Right now, donations of items are needed for Tweedles auction ... please contact Ms Marg (email address below) if you have items to donate ... and please visit the blog for further information and details!  Thank you!

Blog Link:  www.auctionsforpetz.blogspot.com

Mom went home last night and found some items for the auction AND hers got hold of her friend FLEA at JONES NATURAL CHEWS and she is going to donate something special from their company also.  YAY!!!!

Stella Rose, Margaret Mae, and Angus McConnell
p.s. yes, it is still cold here....pee pads are our friends.


  1. THIS is just MARVELOUS. We are SURE that the auction will help Tweedles a LOT.
    OMD... hehehehe Pee Pee Pads are your furends... Now that was FUNNY..
    Can't WAIT fur this Vortex to go Back to the North Pole!!!

  2. We are off to find something to donate to the auction as we don't have any virtual green papers to send. We so want to help Tweedles. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Wesa hear yous about the pee-pads. AND...Wesa so happies that Tweedles will be benefitin' from an auction. Wesa already sent our items in for the bidding. See yousa all at the auctions!!
    Much Luvums,
    The Slimmer Puggums
    George, Toby, Lily, & Mimi

  4. Yea for the auction!! we have sent in some items and look forward to bidding too.
    Keep warm
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  5. What a sweet thing to do...pet bloggers are awesome !

  6. Poor Tweedles...

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  7. Howdy Little Puggie Mates. This sounds wonderful and we just know it will be successful. What a great idea.
    No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  8. We are excited about the auction! Lee and Phod who like to help their friends the way they can

  9. Spread the word!! We are united!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  10. So many kind hearted peoples and furrys helping me.
    I am so grateful! So kind of Ms Marg to handle this--
    so much love being shared.

  11. Our mom has donated some things from her Etsy shop. We hope it helps.

  12. This is fantastix, we are going to donate too :) We love auctions xxxooxxx

    Mollie and Alfie
